Sunday, January 20, 2013

Illustration for "Saving Sylvia"

Well, the illustrator had a snowy day today and finished the piece already.  He did a really nice job of capturing the key elements to my story.  I can't wait for you all to see it.   See, snowy days are really a great opportunity.  Carpe Diem!

Publishing Date for "Saving Sylvia"

Good Morning!  A schedule date has been set for my newest piece, "Saving Sylvia".  It will be published by The Story Shack on Friday, February 8th.  On this collaboration I have been paired with the very talented James Brown out of the U.K., and I'm excited to see his illustration and the final result of our pairing.  

Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

New Story to be Published "Saving Sylvia"

Hi everyone.  I just received word this morning that another story of mine, "Saving Sylvia", will be published in the upcoming months by The Story Shack.  I'm excited to see this one published and will inform you of the date when I receive same.  I have to say that I think The Story Shack has been doing such a wonderful job of linking up writers and illustrators from all over the globe.  Martin, the editor, has been so great to work with, and I am proud to be a participant in their new format.  Anyway, do look for updates in the future.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Join Me February 1 on National Wear Red Day!


As many of you know, I wholeheartedly support The American Heart Association's National Wear Red Day.  This year the 10th annual National Wear Red Day takes place on Friday, February 1st.  Won't you please join me that day in helping to bring awareness to this silent and deadly killer?  Heart disease does not discriminate as it effects women and men of all ages.  This is a fact that was once again drilled home for my husband and I when we lost a  friend to heart disease just weeks ago.  Some may not realize this, but heart disease is the number one killer of women over all other cancers and diseases, more than even breast cancer.

For more information, please go to:, where you can find out the silent warning signs of heart disease, get great heart healthy recipes, and much more.  You may save a life.  It could even be your own.

Thank you.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Quote of the Day

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will then know peace."

-- Jimi Hendrix

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Quote of the Day

"Follow an old path and you find the expected.  Blaze a new trail and you have an adventure."

-- Evelyn Loeb

Friday, January 4, 2013

"The Early Bird" Just Went Live

Hey Everyone,

"The Early Bird" just went live on The Story Shack (  I welcome you to check it out when you have a couple of minutes.  Also, The Story Shack previously published my stories "Under" (may not be appropriate for children) and "A Homecoming Revelation".  If you haven't read these yet, feel free to do so.  All of my stories on The Story Shack are searchable in the upper right corner of their site.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Today's Mindless Trivia: Three Dog Night?

So as the nighttime temperatures dipped down into the teens the other evening we had what some would refer to as a Three Dog Night.  Of course in our case this winds up being a Two Dog One Cat Night, but who's counting?  Anyway, getting the general gist of what it means to have a Three Dog Night, I pondered its origin.  Of course its not from the '70s American rock band who's hits included "Mama Told Me Not to Come" and popularized "An Old Fashioned Love Song" by Paul Williams.  And obviously the phase meant that it was so cold outside that you needed to share your bed with three large furry dogs, but as to who came up with the phase?  Well, some say it was the cowboys and some say it was the Eskimos or those living in Siberia who used their husky dogs to keep warm, and others yet claim it was from the aboriginal Australians in the bush.  But no matter who is right they all agree on one thing:  It's a temperature scale.  One dog means it's cold, two dogs colder, and three dogs, well brrrr the heck with the blankets, pile them on!

Update - Story Going Live TOMORROW - The Early Bird

Hey everyone,

Apparently there was a little mix-up and my story "The Early Bird" will be published tomorrow instead of today.  So be sure to check out The Story Shack at tomorrow.  


Story Going Live - "The Early Bird"

Hi Everyone.  Today my flash fiction piece entitled "The Early Bird" is going live on The Story Shack.  Be sure to check it out.  Comments are always welcomed.

Also, just a reminder that you can do a search for all of my stories on The Story Shack by entering my name in the search box in the upper right corner of their website.

Thanks for reading!