Thursday, February 6, 2014

All Right, Alright, or Just Okay?

So when do you use the words "all right" and when do you use "alright", and what's the difference anyway?  Well, this is a very common mistake that I myself have inadvertently fallen into in the past.  Since then, I have come across numerous articles on the popular subject.  The verdict?  Quite simply, although "alright" is commonly accepted and used everywhere, it is not actually a word.  However, "all right" is the technically correct form used by dictionaries, grammar books and writing group critique partners (you know who you are and I thank you).  But if you find yourself in a quandary and in doubt, I supposed you could always fall back on the unmistakable "okay".  There you have it, your grammar lesson for the day.  All right?

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