Okay, so the cover design and the jacket description looked and sounded interesting, which is why I chose to read this book. However, I didn't really care for this one very much and this is why.
First of all, the voice/narration is written in a seldom used style that few people like, first person plural. That is, one voice from all three sisters. This was very confusing at first because you never understood who was talking. It took me about 40-50 pages to get comfortable with this style.
The second issue I had was the constant Shakespearean quotes and references throughout the entire novel. I know this was done to make a point and is part of the family story, which I get, but unfortunately I found this to be annoying. If you're a Shakespeare fan, then you may enjoy this.
And third, the characters tended to be unlikable. While I totally enjoy and appreciate multi-layered colorful characters that you both love and hate, these characters lacked endearing qualities which would have made you want to cheer for them. Because this was missing, I wasn't as vested in these characters as I should have been.
I really, really wanted to like this book more than and I did. But unfortunately, this one missed the mark for me. The beginning was slow, it picked up, but then only plateaued. I am glad that I am finished and can now move on to another, hopefully better, read.
My grade: Regretfully, thumbs down.
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