Ah yes, 'tis the season once again. Out come the armfuls of Christmas themed videos and the cups of hot cocoa as we settle into the sofa to watch our favorite movies. Some make us laugh, others make us sing, and an occasional one may even bring a tear to our eyes.
Last year I wrote fondly about one of my favorites, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in my blog entitled, "Grumpy Santa and the Non-Conformists", and this year, I'm going to reflect on . . . . (insert drum roll here), The Grinch.
Oh now, I love this one too. Of course I realized early on that there was a clue that this green menace must have a bit of a heart. After all, he did have a pet dog. Now, his treatment of said dog I do admit would have put PETA and the SPCA on high alert, but he did pat the little dog on the head before throwing him out in front of the runaway sleigh.
And who can forget the littlest cast member? I adore little Cindy Lou Who and her questioning eyes as she asks the mean old Grinch, "Why Santa, why are you taking our Christmas tree?" Poor little darling was too young I suppose to have a clue something was amiss. Never did I remember seeing a green Santa in my storybooks.
Anyway, after the Grinch succeeds at stealing all of the decorations, food, presents and even crumbs too small for the Whos' mouses, you see a scene of Whoville come to life on Christmas morning, which is when it hit me -- Whoville looks like a little HOA community! All of the houses are identically shaped and decorated. Hmm, could this have been the start of our planned communities? But let's get back to the story.
Now as you know, the Grinch's heart grows four sizes that day, and he saves Christmas by riding into Whoville with all of the items he had taken the night before (which contents remain in impeccable condition I must say). I particularly love when he sits down to carve the Roast Beast. You'll notice that with each slice he carves, the roast amazing remains the same size. Have you seen the size of their community table? No wonder they only needed one of those magical endless roasts to feed that army! By the way, have you ever ordered a pound of "Roast Beast" at the deli? If you get a smile, you know you have found a Grinch fan. (Oh yes we (he) did.)
So next on the list was the classic, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, told by Fred Astaire. Whoa! Hold on. Now don't even get me started on that one! That's a whole other story in itself. Perhaps I'll have to tackle that one later.
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